[PLUG] Gnunify 07?

Rohan Dighe linuxdominatrix at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 12:48:41 IST 2006

On 12/4/06, G Karunakar <indlinux at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  maybe its too early to ask.. but whats plans for Gnunify?
> Karunakar
> --
> '--

as far as the past conferences that i have attended(linuxasia06 &
Foss06) it looks to me that there were a lot of newbies coming for the
event mainly college students and these conferences usually have a
track structure!! (business track, development track,etc)

what was found missing was a (newbie track !!!)

so i would like to suggest an addition of newbie track inside gnunify
(i have not been to past gnunify events but if it's not included i
would suggest an inclusion)

Also, some of the talks that could be targetted towards newbies would be

"how to earn money while making your code OPEN??"

"how to just do about everything with LINUX ??"

"effective programming using gcc !"

some of the burning questions like....
"how to dive into opensource development/ how to contribute to gloabal
opensource community and stuff like that"

I have mainly seen at student level, usually they go onn building the
same projects during their academics like (student registration
system, library system, hotel mgmt system) instead if they could get
on to some real work like say
contributing to some linux distributions say Fedora, Ubuntu... or say
Mozilla. Usually all these websites have a HelpWanted page !
Contribution in that manner would be a lot more helpful to them as
well as US !!

Well, these were some of the things that i found worth talking about !!

let us all know what you think !!!

thank you !!

Rohan Dighe
Fedora Ambassador India.

You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to
your grandmother.
 -- Albert Einstein

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