devendralaulkar at gmail.com devendralaulkar at gmail.com
Tue May 9 07:32:44 IST 2006


On Tuesday 09 May 2006 07:19, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:

> Beauty is in the eyes of beholder. Nothing beats it when you have 4
> desktops in kde, each running couple of consoles, each with 6-8 tabs..:)
> and no screen cannot beat it..

In the above case, you are using the CLI, not the GUI (the author mentions the 
distinction in the definition itself) The article is focusing on system 
administration, not coding.

Given a server to administor, would you rather manage things like ip address, 
routing options etc through a GUI tool like Yast or through the command line. 
Personally I would prefer the CLI, because the GUI cannot usually capture all 
the options present.

-Devendra Laulkar.

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