[PLUG] Need volunteers for porting freeduc games on windows

Anand Kulkarni kulk_anand at yahoo.com
Thu May 25 15:59:52 IST 2006


We are going to install Freeduc games i.e. gcompris
games in many rural schools. The platform will be
windows. Gcompris comes with total 55 games for the
school children. Now, we find gcompris games on
windows as well. But the problem is that if you
install gcompris on windows, it shows only 16 games
out of 55. The remaining games are hidden. If you want
to enable the hidden games, then we need to just press
'Ctrl+Shift+L' and it will show you all the games. I
found it very surprising and hence I asked the author
of gcompris about why these games are by default
hidden. He answered me that he wants to motivate open
source and hence he wants to create illusion that if
someone wants to play all the games then he must shift
to Linux platform.

When I requested him, to give us version of gcompris
on windows where all the games will be displayed by
default, he said that it is bit time consuming task to
build gcompris again. So, we are not going to do that
task. And we need help for PLUG members.

You can download gcompris source code from,

The source code for windows and linux platform is

Can somebody help us to release gcompris games on
windows wihtout anything hidden? The source code is in
'C' language.

Waiting for the reply.



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