[PLUG] Problem in Signals

paras beparas at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 15:48:28 IST 2009

Hi all,
I wrote two program given below just for testing .
I want to measure the time that signal takes to travels between two process.
In these program, Two signals are send,
1) SIGUSR1(from sigTime2.c) to sigTime1 process &
2) SIGUSR2 (from sigTime1.c) to sigTime2 process.

---------------------------- sigTime1.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

struct timeval tv;

void handler(){

    int read_ret1, cont, fd, ret, strret, flag = 1, kill_ret, gotPid;
    char name[32], block[32];

    read_ret1 = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        perror("gettimeofday in handler");
        printf("T1 usec=%ld \n", (long)tv.tv_usec);

    if(flag == 0){
        kill_ret = kill(gotPid, SIGUSR2);
        if(kill_ret < 0)

        for(cont = 0; (cont < 1500) && flag ; cont++){
            snprintf(name, sizeof name, "/proc/%d/cmdline", cont);

            fd = open(name, O_RDONLY);

            ret = read(fd, block, sizeof block);
            if(ret > 0){
                strret = strcmp("./sigTime2", block);
                if(strret == 0){
                    kill_ret = kill(cont, SIGUSR2);
                    if(kill_ret < 0)

                    gotPid = cont;
                    flag = 0;

int main(void){

    signal(SIGUSR1, handler);

    return 0;

------------------------------------- sigTime1.c -END

------------------------------------- sigTime2.c
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>

int fd;
struct timeval tv;
int gotpid;

void time_chk(void){
    int ret;

    ret = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        printf("T2 usec=%ld\n", (long)tv.tv_usec);

void handler(){

    kill(gotpid, SIGUSR1);

int main(void){
    int ret, cont, strret, flag = 1;
    char name[32], block[32];

    signal(SIGUSR2, handler);

    for(cont = 0; cont < 1500 && flag ; cont++){
        snprintf(name, sizeof name, "/proc/%d/cmdline", cont);

        fd = open(name, O_RDONLY);
        ret = read(fd, block, sizeof block);

        if(ret > 0){
            strret = strcmp("./sigTime1", block);
            if(strret == 0){
                ret = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
                    printf("sec=%ld, usec=%ld \n", (long)tv.tv_sec,

                    kill(cont, SIGUSR1);
                    flag = 0;
                    gotpid = cont;


    return 0;

-------------------------------- sigTime2.c - END

------------------------------------ OutPut
/ # ./sigTime1 &
/ # ./sigTime2
sec=2129097828, usec=870277
T1 usec=873027
T2 usec=4990
T1 usec=6010
T2 usec=135988
T1 usec=136982
T2 usec=267988
T1 usec=268982
T2 usec=399987
T1 usec=400982
T2 usec=531084
T1 usec=531987
T2 usec=660997
T1 usec=663958
T2 usec=813001
T1 usec=815001
T2 usec=966988
T1 usec=967981
T2 usec=91992
T1 usec=93009
T2 usec=217012
T1 usec=219040
T2 usec=341988
T1 usec=342982
T2 usec=467986
T1 usec=469977
T2 usec=593988
T1 usec=594982
T2 usec=717988
T1 usec=718983
T2 usec=843971
T1 usec=845972
T2 usec=969990
T1 usec=970982
T2 usec=93989
T1 usec=94981
T2 usec=217988
T1 usec=218982
T2 usec=342989
T1 usec=343981
T2 usec=467986
T1 usec=469012
T2 usec=593013
T1 usec=593983
T2 usec=717988
T1 usec=718983
T2 usec=843982
T1 usec=845081

-------------------------------- OutPut - END

So *my Question is *

The difference between *T1 & T2*  (845081  -  843982 =  1099 us) is Correct.
The value of HZ = 1000
But the difference between *T2 & T1* is (843982  - 718983 =  124999 us ).

So the question is, why the time difference between T2 & T1 is so high ?

Thanks in Advance

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