[PLUG] Blackberry row, what about gpg encryption

Abhijit Bhopatkar bain at devslashzero.com
Sat Aug 14 13:42:34 IST 2010

On Saturday 14 August 2010 10:26 AM, Mithun Shitole wrote:
> Hi,
>     Looking at current blackberry vs Indian government row, I am bit
> confused and curious.
> What if so called terrorist used a gpg public-private key encryption
> known only to them (Sender and receiver) ? Is it possible government to
> crack it?
> And if it can't , whats the point in blocking Blackberry?
Heh ...
We can always have legislation banning all cryptography research, 
blackberry is probably only the first step in this war on terror. 
Probably the next step will be to arrest all 2nd/3rd grade children 
(from department of evil terrorists) who typically design a sign 
language as a way to keep their precious (evil) secretes from their peers.


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