[PLUG] बेडियन फॉर नेटबुक्स...

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 08:11:07 IST 2012

2012/4/13 मःसागरः <o.s.h.o at guruvision.com>:
> basically system installation leaves you in a lurch if you choose LILO
> instead of GRUB as a boot loader, + there are many more issues e.g.

Any specific reason for you to chose LILO over grub?

> networking configuration / status indication is not as clean as I have
> seen in Mandriva and then Mageia...

How is it different? I guess all of them would be using network
manager. But KDE would be doing it differently than GNOME.

> openSUSE is a good suggestion, that I would definitely won't mind trying...
> The whole of debian is their own way discourages KDE... and making
> everything work smoothly for GNOME, which to me looks like an unfair
> game!  So to avoid blaming debian contributors I accept as shortcoming
> of my choice i.e. KDE...

No, debian does not discourage KDE. There is a separate installation
disk that installs KDE by default. Try that.

debian-6.0.4-i386-kde-CD-1.iso at
http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/6.0.4/i386/iso-cd/ it is just
alphabetical listing of files by apache and no debian fault in showing
it below gnome :)

There is no unfair game here, it may just be that there is not enough
contributors working on KDE. In my experience KDE team is much better
than GNOME team (KDE team gets new releases faster than GNOME, KDE
releases are better coordinated and they come in one go, where as
GNOME upgrades are broken most of the time and takes longer).

പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
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rights from them; you give them permission to rule, only so long as
they follow the rules: laws and constitution.

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