[PLUG] Debconf 20/21 in India

Skool!lookS look.kool at guruvision.com
Mon Aug 6 16:31:19 IST 2018

On Monday 06 August 2018 04:16 PM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> In-line :-
> On 06/08/2018, Skool!lookS <look.kool at guruvision.com> wrote:
>> Kerala is a better place according to me.
>> In 52 years of life thus far I found no other complelling reason to
>> reach there despite it being called "God's Own Country".
>> It may change with this option... Debcon may be irrelevant for me,
>> Kerala isn't..!
> Can you stop insulting and put the proper name 'Debconf' rather than 'Debcon' .

4523ON6 (correct denomination of DEbconF)

> It's insulting.

I was just providing free consulting.. :-)

> Also you took a thread which is happening in debian-india and plugging
> it in 'plug-in' . Is this some ploy to drive some traffic to 'plug-in'
> ?
> That's like taking somebody's code and claiming it as yours :(

If you can sell it, it can be claimed to be yours... Buyer does not buy 
without getting convinced of getting what he desires to buy... Does not 
apply to FREE though.  or Does it?

We were trading till now...

> If you have no interest in Debconf then nobody is stopping you from
> visiting Kerala now or in October/November .

What makes you think I am NOT there right now, just don't know which 
location maybe suitable for me to display (point out for others to look at).

> FSF does their thing every year, even Amrita University does a free
> software program every year, it doesn't need a Debconf to appreciate
> what Kerala has to offer. You will find more free software activities
> which happen there all the time, at least much more to what Pune does.

6S6 can do whatever they like every month, even Devendra University can 
try same.

Pune has season for this reason.
Puneites are known for argument.
Don't believe then you aren't a puneite...

Consultant Spirituel

Guruvision Inc.

"Science is nothing more than an understanding of the way the world
  is and why it is that way.. (it) is the method we use to try and
  postulate a minimum set of assumptions that can explain, through a
  straighforward logical derivation, the existence of many phenomena
  of nature .."  -- From "The Goal" by E.M. Goldratt

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