[PLUG] Spam over IRC channel

rajudev rajudev at disroot.org
Mon Aug 20 15:59:47 IST 2018

On 20 August 2018 12:27:02 GMT+05:30, G Karunakar <karunakar at geekgod.in> wrote:
>On Sat, 18 Aug 2018 20:25:10 +0530
>Dhanesh B. Sabane wrote:
>> Aloha!
>> Over the last couple of weeks, our #pluggies channel on Freenode
>> IRC has been receiving a lot of spam and we should be enabling
>> certain modes to prevent it. The `/msg chanserv access #pluggies
>> list` command tells me that 3 people have access to the channel -
>> shantanoo, karunakar and freenode-staff. Someone please get in
>> touch with any of them and ask them to moderate the channel as soon
>> as possible.
>> Also, if they don't have the bandwidth to keep moderating the
>> channel, I'll be more than happy to volunteer for the task.
>I think we have moderators and no OP.
>Is it bots which are spamming? Could this be due to bots joining
>through matrix.org link? 
>I have seen couple joining the channel, posting a link and quiting. I
>assume its not the same nick posting. Maybe difficult to block each
>nick,or perhaps allow known nicks only. 
There is no spam from the matrix side. 
Unlike IRC, spamming from matrix side is very difficult as it requires creating an account on a known server. 
Also the spam controls for the group can be controlled very easily. 

Some of us have been talking about the goodness of matrix for a while. 
Just to state , 'matrix users are not causing the spam, nor the matrix bots`

please address the spam on the IRC side. 

>plug-mail mailing list
>plug-mail at plug.org.in

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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