[PLUG] बेडियन फॉर नेटबुक्स...

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 12:59:38 IST 2012

2012/4/18 मःसागरः <o.s.h.o at guruvision.com>:
> sure, eeepc 1215B, with 320 GB of hard disk...
> another interesting thing, as I was attempting to load kubuntu just
> few minutes back alongside debianKDE  that I installed last evening
> (which did not come to my expectations because lot of things are
> intelligible by my standard about how to configure X again etc.)

Why do you have to configure X again? Did it take a smaller resolution?

> the kubuntu suddenly declared that the remaining 200Gb (left out after
> debian install) is unusuable...
> and it does not want to play along debian...

I guess you created primary partitions instead of logical partitions.
It is a limitation of DOS partition table which allows for only 4
primary partitions in a hard disk.

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