[PLUG] Debian 9 Stretch release party

Dhanesh B. Sabane dhanesh95 at disroot.org
Tue Jun 27 18:22:25 IST 2017

On Tuesday 27 June 2017 03:41 PM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> Hi all,
> Two points,
> a. Why hasn't Dhanesh or somebody else talked about the release party
> at https://wiki.debian.org/ReleasePartyStretch . If needed, I could do
> the needful but would be better if either Dhanesh or Kshitij take the
> lead on this as both of you are actually organizing this.

Yes. I'll do this by tonight. We actually put it on hold because we were
waiting for a response from PLUG. But I'll get it done tonight.

> b. Dhanesh, were you able to get operator status on #pluggies, we need
> it integrated either/and to riot/matrix as well as telegram and both
> can only be done by an operator only.
> Looking forward to know the status of the above.

I did initiate a thread here asking for operator status so that we can
integrate Riot/Matrix. No progress since.

Dhanesh B. Sabane

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