[PLUG] Debconf 20/21 in India

Skool!lookS look.kool at guruvision.com
Mon Aug 6 12:27:13 IST 2018

> What Three Star hotel availability has got to do with DebCon?
> Ethiopia may have only huts, is technology an enabler or tool for 
> dividing people into comfort and display of how hospitable scene can be?
> Think of it like the Title "City of Joy" (because I haven't read it) and 
> learn to NJoy..
> Many people call me by name Shirish, but Donkey will also be equally 
> good with proper case like "DonKey" :-)

Japanese Comfort Women issue still haunts the world, however people 
still continue to seek comfort elsewhere than where it gets most 
appreciated owing to (shall I say) technology associated Ego?

Viva Technology & Associated Comforture
Consultant Spirituel

Guruvision Inc.

"Science is nothing more than an understanding of the way the world
  is and why it is that way.. (it) is the method we use to try and
  postulate a minimum set of assumptions that can explain, through a
  straighforward logical derivation, the existence of many phenomena
  of nature .."  -- From "The Goal" by E.M. Goldratt

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