[PLUG] Does cross-posting help one elevate self ego or does it help build awareness?

Skool!lookS look.kool at guruvision.com
Mon Aug 6 18:01:00 IST 2018

I do understand that people need to be appraised of your spread of 
knowledge as well as wisdom across the spectrum, but it has a down side too.

It unnecessarily draws people (names) into discussion where they are 
necessarily not..

That is like trying to increase traffic where there is none / desired.

** Silence on most matter is golden when one can NOT think whether it is 
6 or 9 we are talking about. **

Rest assured it still remains none of everybody's business, because 
that's freedom..!

Consultant Spirituel

Guruvision Inc.

"Science is nothing more than an understanding of the way the world
  is and why it is that way.. (it) is the method we use to try and
  postulate a minimum set of assumptions that can explain, through a
  straighforward logical derivation, the existence of many phenomena
  of nature .."  -- From "The Goal" by E.M. Goldratt

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