[PLUG] Spam over IRC channel

Skool!lookS look.kool at guruvision.com
Mon Aug 20 10:17:33 IST 2018

Elevating your own personal tolerance level till flood water recedes is 
another option available...

On Saturday 18 August 2018 08:25 PM, Dhanesh B. Sabane wrote:
> Aloha!
> Over the last couple of weeks, our #pluggies channel on Freenode IRC has
> been receiving a lot of spam and we should be enabling certain modes to
> prevent it. The `/msg chanserv access #pluggies list` command tells me
> that 3 people have access to the channel - shantanoo, karunakar and
> freenode-staff. Someone please get in touch with any of them and ask
> them to moderate the channel as soon as possible.
> Also, if they don't have the bandwidth to keep moderating the channel,
> I'll be more than happy to volunteer for the task.
> Regards,

Consultant Spirituel

Guruvision Inc.

"Science is nothing more than an understanding of the way the world
  is and why it is that way.. (it) is the method we use to try and
  postulate a minimum set of assumptions that can explain, through a
  straighforward logical derivation, the existence of many phenomena
  of nature .."  -- From "The Goal" by E.M. Goldratt

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